1. How many Independent Living Units (cottages and apartments) are here at KaLex?

150 Residences: 94 Cottages and 56 Apartments. Residences range in size from 500 sq. ft. to 2,000 sq. feet                                    ▶︎

2. How many acres of land does KaLex own?

84 acres

3. What family donated the campus property to KaLex?

Fred and Isabel Anderson Bartenstein.  Isabel grew up in Sunnyside House with her parents and three siblings.  She met Fred when he boarded at Sunnyside while attending W&L.

4. How many elevators are there on campus?

Five elevators – four in the Anderson complex, one in Sunnyside house.

5. How many beds are there in the Borden Center?

60 beds.  KaLex took over the 50 beds from Stonewall Jackson Hospital in 2001 when they closed their Extended Care Facility.  In addition, as a CCRC, we qualified for 10 beds, which is how the size became 60 beds.  Borden residents also include Medicare, Medicaid and private pay occupants.

6. How many beds in the Borden Center are reserved for KaLex residents?

Beds in the Borden Center are not reserved per se, but the average is approximately 15% who are KaLex contract residents, and a KaLex resident always has first priority at Borden.

7. How many apartments are in the Webster Assisted Living Center?

Twenty.  Again, KaLex contract residents always have first priority.

8. How many full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees does KaLex have?

As of today we have 169 employees, full and part time, for approximately 126 FTE employees.

9. Who are the staff members on the Core Leadership Team?

Jan Bigelow, CEO

Felicia Bush, CFO

Megan Whorley, HR Director

Karen Jackson, Dir. of Resident Services

Herbie Martin, Director of Operations

Jessica Buhler, Director of Marketing

Judy Kurtz, Dir. of Dining Services

Debby Curry-Lee, Director of Nursing

Brandon Kastner, Health Services Administrator

Kelly Helmintoller, Dir. of Clinical Services

10. Name the seven members of the Residents Council?

Dianne Herrick, President

Sarah Giddings, Vice President

Carolee Chamberlin, Secretary

Beth Knapp, Treasurer

At-Large: Doreen Folzenlogen

                  Bill Schellstede, and

                  Bob Gettings

11. Approximately how many Independent Living residents live in KaLex?

200+ on average

12. Does KaLex pay real estate taxes?

Yes – KaLex pays real estate taxes to both Rockbridge County and the City of Lexington.  The majority of the property is in Rockbridge County, but 32 cottages are in Lexington.

13. What buildings were built during Phase I?

Anderson (but not Kendal Hall or Restaurant)

The North wing including Webster

The first part of the South Apartment Complex

The most of the Cluster Cottages (including one cluster no longer here).

14. What buildings were built in Phase II (2007-2008)?

Kendal Hall

The Restaurant

The Fitness Center

The second part of the South Apartment wing

The cottages on Sycamore Lane

15. What buildings were built in Phase III?

30 cottages on Sunrise Ridge

Renovations in Borden, Webster and Anderson Dining.

            – – by Resident Dianne Herrick for CONNECTIONS Extra